Thursday, December 27, 2012

NovaDel Announces Preliminary Agreement to Sell its NovaMist™ Technology

NovaDel Pharma Inc. (NVDL.PK) has signed a preliminary agreement to sell its NovaMist™ technology to SUDA LTD, an Australian publicly held pharmaceutical company.
The proposed transaction includes the sale of NovaDel’s patents and trademarks relating to its NovaMist technology. Buy Furadantin (Nitrofurantoin) pills online without prescription The sale, as contemplated, does not include the NitroMist® or ZolpiMist™ intellectual property or licenses.
The commercial terms of the preliminary agreement are subject to confidentiality at this time and subject to satisfactory completion of due diligence by both parties, as well as the execution of a definitive agreement and subject to NovaDel board and stockholder approval, if required.
SUDA LTD is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and is engaged in developing and marketing pharmaceutical products. Its principal activity is the development of a sublingual aerosol and pump formulation of artemisinin derivatives for the treatment of malaria. ArTiMist™, its artemisinin product, is administered sub-lingually and enters the bloodstream where the parasite lives, attacking at a far greater speed than conventional tablets and reducing the need for continued hospitalization while presenting significant cost savings to governments and relief organizations. ArTiMist is particularly effective in the treatment of children and young infants who are experiencing malaria-related and gastro-intestinal problems and cannot tolerate tablet treatments. The company has completed the required Phase 3 trials for this product and is expected to release the final trial report within the next 30 days.
NovaDel Pharma Inc. is a specialty pharmaceutical company that develops oral spray formulations of marketed pharmaceutical products. The Company’s patented oral spray drug delivery technology seeks to improve the efficacy, safety, patient compliance, and patient convenience for a broad range of prescription pharmaceuticals. NovaDel has two marketed products that have been approved by the FDA: NitroMist® for the treatment of angina, and ZolpiMist™ for the treatment of insomnia. NovaDel’s leading product candidate, DuroMist™, is being developed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The Company also has product candidates that target nausea, migraine headache and disorders of the central nervous system. NovaDel plans to develop these and other products independently and through collaborative arrangements with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
Except for historical information contained herein, this document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company’s actual results or outcomes to be materially different from those anticipated and discussed herein including, but not limited to, the Company’s ability to obtain additional required financing or achieve other strategic alternatives (the lack of which would cause the Company to file for bankruptcy), the ability of third parties to successfully commercialize the Company’s products, the successful completion of its clinical trials, including pilot pharmacokinetic feasibility studies, the successful completion of its preclinical studies, the ability to develop products (independently and through collaborative arrangements), the ability to commercialize and obtain FDA and other regulatory approvals for products under development, and the acceptance in the marketplace for oral spray products. The Company operates in industries where securities may be volatile and may be influenced by regulatory and other factors beyond the Company’s control.
In addition, our inability to maintain or enter into, and the risks resulting from our dependence upon, collaboration or contractual arrangements necessary for the development, manufacture, commercialization, marketing, sales and distribution of any of our products could materially impact the Company's actual results. Important factors that the Company believes might cause such differences are discussed in the risk factors detailed in the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2011 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In assessing forward-looking statements contained herein, if any, the reader is urged to carefully read all cautionary statements contained in such filings. We do not intend to update any of these factors or to publicly announce the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Moberg Derma AB: Strong Start for European Launch - All Milestones Expected in 2012

Moberg Derma (STO: MOB) expects to reach all remaining milestones in its agreement with Meda related to Nalox™ in 2012, generating a further MSEK 15.5. This assessment is based on a successful launch in several markets in Europe, including Germany and France. Buy Adalat (Nifedipine) pills online without prescription
“We are very pleased with the powerful product launches that are being rolled out in Europe in collaboration with Meda and Menarini. The market introductions have progressed well, generating strong sales”
The launch of Nalox™ in Europe is progressing according to plan and it is expected that the remaining milestones in the agreement with Meda will be reached in 2012. To date, a total of MSEK 38.5 in milestone payments have been received, in addition to payments for delivered products, with a total of MSEK 15.5 in milestone payments remaining. In Italy, Menarini’s launch of the product also kicked off according to plan.
“We are very pleased with the powerful product launches that are being rolled out in Europe in collaboration with Meda and Menarini. The market introductions have progressed well, generating strong sales,” says Peter Wolpert, CEO and founder of Moberg Derma.
Since 2010, Moberg Derma has collaborated with Meda on the sales and marketing of Nalox™ in the Nordics, where the product is the market leader. During the second half of 2011 the agreement was expanded to include many European markets, including Germany, France, Spain, UK, as well as Russia and Turkey. In total, Meda’s rights related to Nalox™ comprise a total of 22 countries, representing some 550 million inhabitants. In Italy, Moberg Derma has a similar collaboration with Menarini, which like Meda is among the world’s 50 largest pharmaceutical companies.
About this information Moberg Derma discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on at 8:30 am (CET) on August 16th, 2012.
About Nalox™ and nail diseases
Nalox™ is a topical treatment used to treat nail disease. Launched in the Nordic region in autumn 2010, it quickly became market leader and an international launch is ongoing via ten partners encompassing 50 markets and a million inhabitants. Nalox™ is a prescription free, over-the-counter product sold under the names Emtrix®, Naloc™ and Kerasal® Nail in certain markets. Safety and efficacy have been demonstrated in several clinical studies including more than 600 patients. Nalox™ has a unique and rapid mechanism of action which brings visible improvements within 2-4 weeks of treatment. Nail fungus is the most common nail disease and afflicts approximately 10% of the general population and increasing with age. The estimated global market potential exceeds USD 1 billion. The untapped potential is significant since many patients remain untreated. It is generally recognized that there is a need for new efficacious and safe topical treatments.
About Moberg Derma
Moberg Derma AB (publ), based in Stockholm, develops patented topical pharmaceuticals for the treatment of common disorders through the use of innovative drug delivery. The company’s products are based on proven compounds, which reduce time to market, development costs and risk. Moberg Derma’s first product Nalox™/Emtrix® - for nail disorders - became the Nordic market leader directly after launch in autumn 2010 and international launch is ongoing. The portfolio includes approved and launched products to projects in the preclinical and clinical phase. The share of Moberg Derma is quoted on the Small Cap list of the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm.

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Backpacking" Bacteria Ferry Nano-Medicines

Scientists looking for ways to get minute doses of drugs, so-called "nano-medicines", into the right places in the human body have turned to "backpacking" bacteria to ferry the cargo.

This week, at the 243rd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in San Diego, Dr David H Gracias, from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, gave an account of the progress he and his team are making in this area. Buy Voltaren tabs online without prescription

Gracias told the press:

"Cargo-carrying bacteria may be an answer to a major roadblock in using nano-medicine to prevent, diagnose and treat disease."

Nano-technology concerns itself with making ultra-tiny devices, small enough to fit a million or so on the head of a pin. In medicine the idea is to use them to transport particles of medication, sensors and other materials to precise locations in the human body.

But it is not easy to devise self-sustaining motors and propulsion mechanisms at this scale: so scientists are increasingly turning to nature, where organisms like bacteria are already of the right scale and capable of moving on their own.

As Gracias explained:

"Currently, it is hard to engineer microparticles or nanoparticles capable of self-propelled motion in well-defined trajectories under biologically relevant conditions."

"Bacteria can do this easily, and we have established that bacteria can carry cargo," he added.

The other advantage with using bacteria is they respond to specific biochemical signals. It is possible, for instance, to control their direction and destination in the body so that once they reach their target, they settle, deposit their "cargo" and grow naturally.

Bacteria are not strangers to the human body: were are covered with them on our skin, and our intestines are home to billions of them. In fact, the total population of bacterial cells we harbour outnumbers the population of our human cells by 10 to 1.

While the word bacteria may conjure up thoughts of disease and infection, many are safe and quite harmless, such as the colonies in our guts that are essential to food digestion.

It is these safe types of gut bacteria that Gracias and colleagues have turned to to find the ideal "beasts of burden" for transporting nano-materials that have optical, electrical, magnetic, electrical or medicinal properties.

So far, Gracias and his team have tested the backpacking bacteria with various shapes and sizes of "cargo" material. For example, they have used them to ferry nano-wires, beads and lithographically fabricated nanostructures.

Other teams are also working with bacteria to transport nano-cargoes. For example, one team has made "bacterial carpets" of large numbers of bacteria to move tiny bits of material.

But Gracias and his team are focusing on getting individual bacteria cells to transport individual bits of cargo, what they call "biohybrid devices". The biohybrid devices can move freely with their cargo backpacks attached.

Gracias said their work is still at a very early, exploratory, stage. They are experimenting with lots of different things to see what might prove to be useful with using bacteria as backpackers for nano-medicines.

"Our next steps would be to test the feasibility of the backpacking bacteria for diagnosing and treating disease in laboratory experiments. If that proves possible, we would move on to tests in laboratory mice," said Gracias, explaining that:

"This could take a few years to complete."